A comprehensive guide to Online Security. This is a Mozilla Open Leaders X Project.
View the Project on GitHub BrianObilo/onlinesecurity.github.io
These settings are a reasonable middle ground for reducing the amount of data that the app creates locally, and minimizing what is exposed as clear text on iCloud/Google Drive.
1. Go to: Settings -> Account -> Privacy
Tweak the following settings:
Last Seen: My Contacts
Profile Photo: My Contacts
Status: My Contacts
Read Receipts: OFF
2. Go to: Settings -> Account -> Security
Tweak the following settings:
3. Go to: Settings -> Chats
Tweak the following settings:
Save Incoming Media: OFF
Chat Backup -> Auto Backup: OFF
4. Go to: Settings -> Notifications
Tweak the following settings:
1. Enable 2-factor authentication:
2. Use username and share it instead of the phone number.
3. Telegram provides groups and user-to-user chat. Both types can be secured.
User-to-user chat is not end-to-end encrypted by default. To encrypt it, you need to enable a feature called Secret Chats:
4. If you are managing a Group on Telegram:
Wire can be registered with a phone number or an email address. Instructions for registering a Wire account with an email address can be found here: How can I register with an email?.
Facebook Messenger can also be used for end-to-end encrypted communications, but this feature is not the default. Secret messages can be used for sending messages, pictures, stickers, videos, and voice messages. This feature cannot be used for group messages and voice or video calls.
To start a so called Secret Conversation:
More information on secret conversations
This guide is adapted from Access Now Digital Security Helpline End-User Guides, available here.